Hey folks, I apologize for being gone so long. All my health issues and balancing the holidays kept me away when I wanted to be here. I also have had family issues to deal with as well. When I get overwhelmed a heart pain with my INFJ personality type am and my heart breaks I retreat. It actually hurts physically from all the times it has been broken and I am having a need to be alone and cut things down to take care of myself. Music is my refuge right now. Self-learning help and understanding slowly to get these fears taken to a place to come back stronger. But it may take awhile. Please bear with me and I hope to be back. I appreciate you all. You all have made my life better and thank you for all your kindness and heart, patience and understanding. All of you are the greatest. I hope to see you all soon. I will likely come and read your blogs but just not post for a while until settled.