The Liebster Award-Another Round

I guess I am sucker for Awards. Thanks to ( I read how to shorten links, but forget how since I do not use it enough. This link could be shortened!) So I was nominated for the leibster award again and could not resist. I agree with who nominated me that this is a great way to explore new blogs and support other bloggers.

Here are the rules:

  • If you’re nominated, you must provide a link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Give 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions created by the user who nominated you
  • Nominate 11 people & ask 11 questions for them to answer!

These are Eleven Facts About Me:

1. I love antiques, vintage finds and retro stuff.

2. I would love to spend 24 hours without sleep doing crafts or diy while watching you tube.

3. Speaking of YouTube, I watch videos from a variety of subject including the crafts and diy; Today I am listening to videos on    psychopathic behaviors. I watch crime which connects sometimes with the latter. I watch movies and health videos. I listen  to music and almost daily listen and or watch a video that has something to do with online business.

4. In spite of this, sometimes I wish I could escape the internet and go back to the days when I did not have it in front of me         and the have to’s to keep up with all my connections on here.

5. So I have 3 places I am selling some of the things I love:                ref=search_shop_redirect Loving crafts and vintage stuff, you can discern why I am doing this. (Hint: I ran out of room to stor and display all my handmade and collections. I will keep a lot though. lol) I also sell my more up to date items and not woth as much stuff for credits on a site called ” Listia. I then can buy craft supplies with the credits which means no money is needed. Ebay did me good a few years back, so I am doing that with some items also. ( Since I do not want to go on and on here, I am not adding the links for the latter 2 .) I may post them someday, but I want to go easy on my readers and keep you from deciding not to read further. lol)

6. I like unusual names and wish mine was not so common; I have about a dozen friends on Face Book with my 1st name.         Ugh!

7. I could never figure out a certain career choice because I like so many different subjects.

8. I have lived in Washington, Oregon, Montana , Florida and Missouri.

9. The state I want to visit is Maine.

10. I love chickens and cats. (Contradiction?)

11. In reference to #10: I have what is called “brittle asthma” and have a deadly allergy to both animals. (This has been a             hinderence to me my whole life, though I count my blessings and live with it as well as I can.)

On to Part 2: Questions given me by brownboyspeaks:

  1. Who inspired you to blog?  I would say it has to be myself.
  2. What are your hobbies?  As stated prior, crafting, creating, collecting. I also read, love games, learn, internet, decotae my home. (Check out my photos on here,hin, hint.) Studying crime, missing people.Thrift stores, flea markets, yard sales. This and that. List making?
  3. How many languages can you speak? Please list all of them. Finally an easy one. English alone.
  4. Another easy one: How many countries have you travelled to? Never been out of U.S.
  5. When was the last time you were so drunk that you couldn’t walk straight? 25 years ago
  6. What is your comfort food? I would say any nut butter.
  7. Where is your favourite place that you have ever visited? Hard to name one, but a dream from my childhood was to visit Laura Ingall’s wilder home and museum in Mansfield Missouri which I did about 3 years ago.
  8. Do you own a smart phone and/or tablet? Yes, but gifted it to my kids to use.
  9. Do you know where Malaysia is? Yes, but would not be able to name it on a map for a perfect score.
  10. What is the one item that you ‘must’ bring whenever you travel? My Kindle
  11. What is your favourite colour? I have 2 : Coral, salmon color and teal, mint green colors.

Now the fun part: My nominee’s are….drum roll…..
